“Charlotte and Griffin, we are here today to celebrate your love and that you have chosen to spend your lives together. Your friends and family have gathered with you to witness—”
A-weema-weh. A-weema-weh.
“Dammit.” Standing just to the right of Griffin, Donovan dug in his pocket for his phone.
Well, it wasn’t his phone exactly. It was the Goat Phone. As everyone in the audience knew.
“Donovan,” Naomi groaned from where she was standing on the other side, two women down from Charlie.
The sounds of snorting and giggling broke out.
Donovan got the phone out by the time the ring tone got to the part about the mighty jungle, and “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” cut off abruptly.
“He didn’t shut the goat phone off?” Zeke whispered from the audience of people gathered.
But despite the whispering, everyone could hear.
“I told him to,” Naomi muttered.
“He can’t shut it off,” Jill protested from the chair next to Zeke. “The goats could get out in the street and get hit by a car.”
“Or wander down to the water and get eaten by an alligator,” Tori added.
Jill gasped.
Yes, Ellie knew who was gasping even without looking. She definitely could identify which of her grandkids was whispering without looking. Since they were kids, they’d all been trying to get away with things and whispering behind her back. Not that it had ever worked. Now, she and Leo were seated in the front row of chairs to witness Charlie and Griffin’s wedding vows with Charlie’s parents and her grandparents from the other side of her family.
“Or they could just drown,” Juliet said.
“Oh my God!” Jill exclaimed.
“Goats can swim,” Zeke assured her.
“Are you sure? Goats hate water,” Rory said.
“They do, but if they fell in, they’d live,” Zeke said.
“Not if a gator got ’em,” Owen said.
“Oh my God!” Jill exclaimed again, in much less of an attempted whisper.
“Well, if they’re out and on land, they could cause a car accident and hurt people,” Zander also kind of whispered.
“Or just annoy people,” Knox groused, not in a whisper at all.
“He could put it on vibrate though,” Sawyer said of the Goat Phone.
“I meant to,” Donovan said from the front, clearly having overheard all the whispering.
As had everyone else.
Leo laughed out loud from beside Ellie. She squeezed his thigh, though she was grinning too. “Hush.”
“I was expectin’ shenanigans today,” Leo told her, also attempting to whisper. “Just happy to be right.”
Of course, there would be shenanigans today. The Landry family was together.